Day 5 of 9 - Refeeding - Approaching Normal Eating

 Slept about 5 hours last night, not untypical for most people staying at TrueNorth. I am getting back into the routine of 3 meals a day and it feels good so far. Everyone here are so cordial you feel that you can just walk up to anyone and talk and be accepted. 

I attended a workshop this morning about functional movement. At the risk of repeating myself, the center of all human movement is the core. Without core integrity and proper functioning, the rest of the body has to find ways to compensate and this can through everything off. Backpain, shoulder pain, hip pain, can be mitigated by proper spine posture and by building strong core functioning through breathing and practice. When the core is inflated through a deep diaphramatic breathe it adds strength and support for the rest of the body. When we were infants that is how we learned to breathe naturally, now it has been unlearned by us and the goal is to get back to the deep belly breathing and core strengthening. This is a lesson I am learning through lectures and individual sessions. Daily practice will give way to integration as “Practice make Permanent.” 

I have lunch today with Cathy Fisher author of “Straight Up Food.”  Cathy has a wonderful cookbook that many of us will be using when we get home. She also teaches classes here about how to make delicious looking and tasting recipes. I learn alot about Cathy and her background and find her to be a dear sweet lady with a background as a school teacher and editor for a wine magazine. She has clearly left her mark on me and I can’t wait to try out her recipes in her book and on her webpage above. 

I await a call back from a local bikeshop today as I am hoping to rent. bike for the next three days to get around town and visit some local parks/state parks. 

I will be going for a walk down town and look forward to being able to use my body which has been quite sedentary for the past 3+ weeks. 


Josette Cochrane-Lusk said…
Hopefully you will get to brush your teeth and shower before throwing yourself at the world- lol! But, you have been an inspiration for those of us following your journey. I've actually had a few conversations with several of my friends about fasting and posture. It will be interesting to see where this leads. Thank you!

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