Day 15 of Waterfasting - Where are the Redwoods?

 I continue to receive twice daily visits from nurses and doctors reviewing my vitals, checking possible negative signs of dizziness, nausea, or lightheadedness and todate I have experienced none. I receive my third and final blood test this morning and look forward to receiving the results. 

The past 15 days have been sunny with no clouds or rain and in the 70’s during the day and high 40’s at night, pretty spectacular. I start the refeeding period next Tuesday which will begin with juices for two days, then adding raw veggies for a couple of days, and then adding nuts and seeds and starches. Even though I have only 5 days left of fasting, I am actually only half way through my total of 30 days. This is quite sobering as, as nice as the people and the place is, I am feeling the urge to get back to my life. I remind myself that I am on a journey towards vitality and that there are no quick solutions, and that if I want to realize my goal of achieving optimum health, I must manage one of my challenges: patience. 

I do have a plan for my last couple of days here and that is to rent a car and visit the Bodega Bay on the coast about 1.5 hours west of here. There are 1 or 2 Redwood forest groves on the way and I feel a strong spiritual pull to be with my ancient ancestors. I am reading the book “The Overstory” which is a novel about trees and people who understand them. I feel compelled to visit the Redwoods while reading this great book. 


Josette Cochrane-Lusk said…
Shinrin-yoku is a perfect way to feed one's soul.

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