The Big Melt

The gods must be furious.

It's the only explanation that makes sense to Jia Son, a Tibetan farmer surveying the catastrophe unfolding above his village in China's mountainous Yunnan Province. "We've upset the natural order," the devout, 52-year-old Buddhist says. "And now the gods are punishing us."


Betty said…
providing solutions for the Environment.......unfolding the needs of a man might help our descendants......disastrous future is coming near day by day....
The nature is upset and there has to be measures taken and immediately to make sure that the nature is at peace.The contamination in water and air are so huge that there is ill health everywhere.
Jogesh said…
We should make our Nature Clean and Health.If its clean then only we can live our Life in good manner and do work.


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Local SEO said…
It is a nice article on the big melt. The air and water are to be cleaned so as to keep the life healthy.
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