Would You Choose Richmond or Atlanta?

On a recent boadcast of Living on Earth on National Public Radio there was a piece about the foliage in New England this year as being particularly lackluster. The piece was called "Foliage Prognosis: Fair". Host Steve Curwood interviewed Barry Rock at the University of New Hampshire to learn why. He's a professor at the University of New Hampshire in the Complex Systems Research Center. He's also a botanist and a biologist. Among the things that Barry discussed was that he has been working on 100 year estimates of how the earth is expected to warm. They have developed two estimates given current information and trends, one with an increase in 6 degrees and one with an increase in 10 degrees. Based on the 6 degree estimates, we in the northeast can expect the same average temperature as Richmond Virginia. With the 10 degree change, we can expect the same temperature as Altanta Georgia. This of course has been our making and it will profoundly change the place we have come to know as home. These temperature changes will change the flora and fauna that we have come to know. We know that maple trees will not tolerate these changes and will die off migrating to northern climes. Kiss skiing and maple syrup and all that is the character of northern new england good bye.

It is essential that our citizens understand how our current actions are contributing to a future that our children will inherit. Learn how you can reduce your impact on the this problem by taking the Footprint Quiz at the redefining progress website so that you can understand how you can reduce the demands placed on an already overburden ecosystem. Most importantly, what you do effects your home and impacts on the people in your life in subtle and profound ways. Be the change you wish to see.........



Tim Cabell said…
I've read that increase in temperature between 6 and 10 degrees on a global scale would cause a mass die of about 95% of the earth's species.

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