A World and our Place In It

In the middle of June of  this  year, I ended my waterfast with 9 days of refeeding and returned to Vermont to begin  the difficult job or maintaining the gains that  I  obtained from the TrueNorth Center waterfast. Though I was a vegan before leaving for TrueNorth, I did not eat a  healthy diet as I consumed oil, salt, and sugar. It has been an interesting 3 months since my return in regards to lifestyle changes but also the world and my place in it. 

This journey is pointing me in some interesting directions that continue to be very much a part of Betraying the Age. This pushing or pulling signals me to share what I believe is important if we are to survive in this day and  age. This  blog will continue and it will still contain information  about fasting and health, but will expand to include the health of our communities and our planet. They really cannot be separated now can  they? 

Please join me on this journey.


Unknown said…
Glad to see you will continue sharing your journey with us. I looked forward to your posts.

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