Just Water - First Day Without Food

 After a good nights sleep, my day begins with have a visit from the nurse to get vitals and get my blood taken. Vitals look good today and in regards to my weight I have lost another pound since yesterday and the fasting starts today! I am down a total of 10 pounds during the past month which includes 5 pounds in the last 5 days on a vegetable and fruit menu. 

After the morning rounds I meet two of my room mates and wondered why I had not seen them in the past day. One person I will call Ed is actually working remotely while on his fast and that is why he was sequestered in his room. The other person Will, was having a particularly bad day on his fast and though he too was working remotely, just felt awful. I learn that both Ed and Will had sizable guts which have disappeared. They seemed pretty happy about that. Our conversation shifted to returning home the challenges that it poses. 

The rest of the morning and afternoon is spent between my bedroom and sitting around the water fountain reading and chatting with others. It is great being on the same journey with others and to hear their struggles and successes. 

Dr. Csilla Veress is a national trainer of Naturopaths and Physicians and an expert on sleep presents a compelling lecture on sleep and health. Her discussions of the latest research were illuminating. She was a high energy presenter that captivated all as she asks us to “Rip your lives open” to examine how our lives support or interfere with sleep. I will be looking for ways to help my body and brain do the work that needs to be done through maximized sleep and nutrition. 

It has been quite extraordinary to be in such a healing place, where people are practicing wellness and improving their health outcomes and quality of life. I am feeling quite fortunate to be here and though I know I have a ways to go before I have completed my fast, I expect that it will end and just become a memory. Trying to live in the moment and savor the experience.

Tomorrow begins day 2 without food, hoping my night tonight goes smoothly. I have never gone beyond 24 hours without food so tomorrow begins uncharted territory.  




Gail said…
You are so brave! I know I would not feel well going without food that long.
Best to you, and keep us posted!
Josette Cochrane-Lusk said…
Kind of like going for a "fluff & buff" in the Emerald City ;)

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