Epic Rally Advances Climate Change Action

The buses converged on Washington DC with what was the largest rally demanding action to mitigate Climate Change. I was fortunate to be able to join 3 bus loads of fellow Vermonters on what turn out to be quite chilly and blustery even by Vermont standards.

It really didn't matter that almost no one was downtown when we marched, it really didn't matter that Barak was golfing with Tiger Woods as we chanted at the White House. We were there to show the world that complacency is not sustainable. And, if you tried to ignore the issue on this day and the days that followed, you had better not watch NBC, CBS, CNN, CSPAN, Univision, Telemondo, The freakin Weather Channel, or just about any other media.

We, the voice of sanity, clearly are not going away. You could feel that in the commitment and emotion from the speakers as well as the chanting and signs of the marchers. A serious commitment was made by 50,000 people, many who travelled long distances to march in the cold.

 It became clearly obvious from Robert Kennedy Jr. in the days before the rally that this problem will not be solved clearly by litigation, it is going to take civil disobedience. Van Jones proclaimed that civil disobedience was a fight for civil rights, fighting climate change is much bigger, we are fighting for all of humanity.

You can find the rest of my photos from the rally here


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