Dalai Lama Comes to Vermont

The Dalai Lama visited Middlebury College today on the leg of a short tour through the US. Tickets were sold out quickly, though it was possible to watch through closed circuit TV at a variety of locations at Middlebury, and it was streamed through the colleges website. I got to watch it at home, coffee in hand this Saturday morning.
What can be written about this man in this limited space. He is the nearest thing we have to Ghandi. I talked to someone at a work who was pissed that the tickets were "sold out." I told him that he could stream it from home, and he said " I want to feel his presence." Ya, we all want to feel his presence. His themes are compassion and respect.......he bolded stated that he is a marxist in regards to the equal distribution of income, yet praised capitalism for the tremendous innovations that have resulted. The dude is unflinching in his ability to seek the truth, no barriers, no limits. His holiness emanates love.

I believe that his message is the only thing that will save this planet. It is a message we all must consider if we want to heal the wounds of a dying planet.

You can find his recorded talks at middlebury.edu



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