Guerilla Gardening: Eating The Suburbs

I can not think a better article to represent this blog........Mike

The Age recently had an article on the emerging practice of "guerilla gardening", taking a look at the "Gardening guerillas in our midst". This concept seems to have steadily increased in popularity in recent years (admittedly from a very low base) as the permaculture movement's ideas have been propagated through the community.

Unlike the usual approach taken when trying to grow food in the suburbs - converting spare land on your own property (as discussed by aeldric previously and, more recently, in Jeff Vail's series on A Resilient Suburbia) - guerilla gardening involves cultivating any spare patch of urban land that isn't being used for another purpose, which could provide a substantial addition to the food growing potential of suburbia

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Anonymous said…
The Children's World Water Forum points to the existing concerns over the question of childhood and uses of water

Established in Quito during the 3rd World Water Forum, a section aimed at children makes connections between childhood and the question of water.

By: Efraim Neto

In developing countries, one third part of deaths in children can be traced to the disease of water way. The problem could be reversed with clean water and adequate sanitation. While 91% of the population has access to drinking water is still a large amount of people who still do not have this essential element for life. In the world 1.8 million children die each year from diarrhea victims, for example.

The Children's World Water Forum (CWWF), which occurs between 17 and 14 March, during the 5th World Water Forum, is a tradition that was established in Kyoto at the 3rd World Water Forum, where about 109 children, from 32 countries participated, and worked on issues of great importance to the welfare of children around the world. During the 2nd CWWF in the 4th World Water Forum in Mexico, 107 children from 29 countries shared 55 actions to help encourage local solutions to these issues. The children have developed actions in workshops and educational activities.

The involvement of children in dealing with global issues exemplifies the need for policy decisions that lead to activities that put children in the front line of action drawn to the issue of water and sanitation. In addition, children engage in effective action for social transformation is an opportunity to build a unified dialogue, and that has as objective the imposition of a significant change to the issue of water. Children are key actors in the water and in their deliberations or the decision-making.

For more information, see the Guide. Fill out the Registration Form for Children, Registration Form for Activities, Chaperone Form and List of Delegates.
Anonymous said…
Thought you may like to mention my project,

I am creating an independent Super Bowl commercial to promote eco-friendly products.

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