Why the era of cheap food is over

Christian Science Monitor

Food prices worldwide hit record highs in 2006, and all the signs are that they will go on rising this year, and for the foreseeable future. The era of cheap food, the experts say, is over and we are going to have to get used to it. This is easier said than done for millions around the world, as evidenced by protests in Mexico over the cost of corn tortillas, and in Italy last September about the price of (wheat) pasta. Staff writer Peter Ford looks at why.

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Anonymous said…
growing a garden is helpful if you have the room to do so. I know some people who are using a spare bedroom and grow lamps to do this.
Dorothea said…
Aah, so it's food them 'ippies are growing with all them electrics then, is it?
Anonymous said…
I agree. There should be a focus on people to be more self supplying and grow their own vegitables. I bet this would make change.
Anonymous said…
If the economics don't work, recycling efforts won't either.
LivePaths blogs about the innovative people and companies that make money selling recycled or reused items, provide green services or help us reduce our dependency on non renewable resources.
Matt Kirby said…
Great article! And now, thanks to high prices and wrong-headed policies, Bush wants to take farmland that has been set aside for conservation and put it back into intensive production.
See below:

Anonymous said…
And even worse, the global recession has pushed the food prices up :-(

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