Must See Movie Coming To Rutland: "The Corporation"

Coming to Rutland Cineplex October 29th.

THE CORPORATION -- a film by Mark Achbar, Jennifer Abbott and Joel Bakan-- is coming to a theater near you. Visit for more details. Check out thetrailer at of the AUDIENCE AWARD for DOCUMENTARY in WORLD CINEMA at the 2004SUNDANCE FILM FESTIVAL and numerous other awards including 7 audiencechoice awards. Based on the book: "The Corporation: The PathologicalPursuit of Profit and Power" by Joel Bakan. Available at the Store.A darkly amusing account of the institution's evolution as a legal"person," THE CORPORATION is a powerful indictment of the roots ofcorporate power. So, what kind of person is it? The filmmakers concludethat a person whose prime directive is to produce ever-increasing profitfor it's shareholders -- regardless of the cost to people or the planet-- fits the diagnostic criteria of a psychopath. Featuring interviewswith CEO's and top-level executives from some of the worlds largestcorporations and critical thinkers: Noam Chomsky, Peter Drucker, MiltonFriedman, Naomi Klein, Vandana Shiva, Steve Wilson, Jane Akre andmuckraking filmmaker Michael Moore. More info Join us!


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